What is "NORMAL"?

Everyone talks about the "new normal" after you lose a child. I don't believe "normal" will ever return to my house after my 18 year old son, Max, was killed in a car crash on 8/6/10. "Normal Died With Max", and this blog is about the life I have without him.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Christmas Decorations

I started putting up Christmas decorations.  I hung up Max's stocking, and Trinity's stocking.  They are right along side the rest of the family.  I am expecting some flack for this, but I NEED THEM THERE. I want to feel like they are a part of it, even though they are not.  I put up many of the same decorations, but put them in all different places.  As if that will make things better.  I have friends coming over to help me put up the trees, I am so grateful.  I have cried many tears putting up just the little bit I did tonight.


Unknown said...

How many trees do you have?

Nancy Hamilton Sturm said...

Although you don't know me, I am praying for you and your family. I taught at Heights for 21 years and retired the year that Max graduated. I did not know him personally, but I knew many of his friends and heard of their grief through Facebook. Your therapist is wise to have you journal. Writing can be so helpful. A friend of mine says she writes so the page can hold the pain. I pray that God will hold you and comfort you in your grief.