What is "NORMAL"?

Everyone talks about the "new normal" after you lose a child. I don't believe "normal" will ever return to my house after my 18 year old son, Max, was killed in a car crash on 8/6/10. "Normal Died With Max", and this blog is about the life I have without him.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How Many Kids Do You Have?

I hate this freaking question.  Of course, the answer to myself is always and forever TWO beautiful boys.  And when Max *first* died, I had a need to tell EVERYONE about the fact that my son was killed in a car accident including the clerk at the grocery store, the nail shop lady, and anyone else who would make eye contact with me.

This "question" is a topic of discussion in every grief group I have attended.

But today, nearly 11 months later, it caught me off guard as I was getting my hair cut.  The lady cutting my hair was making small talk and asked me this question, and I just simply answered my standard "two boys".  Then she asked me how old they were.  "um ... 18 and 16" (let's see, Max had a birthday where he should have been 19, so I am already wishing I didn't answer in this way). 

I have learned with time that sometimes it's just easier *not* to tell someone that my son was killed in a car accident.  I always get some kind of violent reaction where I then end up comforting them, or it kills the conversation completely.

So then she asks when the 18 year old graduated.  (That I can answer without discomfort) "2010".  Is he going to college somewhere?  At this point, I am wishing that I *had* killed the conversation completely because I am squirming and sick of answering her stupid questions.  I answered "Bethany College", and she asked what he was majoring in ... grrrrr.  I kept trying to change the subject and I finally just closed my eyes while she cut my hair and pretended to be "resting"!!

Why did I walk away from there feeling like I had lied to her?  I will never see her again!  I am amazed at how often this question is a standard "small talk" question.  I used to consider it "safe", but not anymore.  I *never* ask anyone how many kids they have!  So strange the things that change when you have a child die.

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