What is "NORMAL"?

Everyone talks about the "new normal" after you lose a child. I don't believe "normal" will ever return to my house after my 18 year old son, Max, was killed in a car crash on 8/6/10. "Normal Died With Max", and this blog is about the life I have without him.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thunder - Why it's so special!

If you've been with me since the first day Max died, you already know this story, but there are many friends that I have added along the way that don't know the origin of why thunder is so incredibly important to our family.  I thought I had even written a note about it before, but after browsing through, I couldn't find one.

The obvious link is that Max was a drummer and now that he's in heaven, whenever there is thunder, I "hear" percussion from heaven!  (Not literally, I know, but my mind likes to hear it that way).

But it goes way deeper than that.  Thunder was given to me as a sign from God of His Faithfulness to my family after Max's death.  Max was a baptized believer and professed salvation at a young age.  He was saved.  But as the departure for college got closer, I noticed that he was questioning whether his faith "worked" in the real world.  We had some conversations about this, as did he & his girlfriend, Trinity.  When he was killed, both Trinity & I were so scared that Max might not be in heaven because of the wandering he was doing at the last of his life.  We discussed it with our pastor, who assured us that questioning did not result in losing salvation.

But my mama-heart was in serious distress.  I just HAD to KNOW that Max was safe in heaven, I needed PROOF.  I begged God to show me.  I know it's not right to ask such things, but I just begged and pleaded out of my pain.  The day of Max's viewing was hot, as most August days in Kansas are.  But right as the viewing began, a random thunderstorm rolled in.  No rain was predicted.  It was localized in west Wichita (right over the mortuary) and evaporated soon after, not traveling over the city like a "normal" thunderstorm.  And the biggest clap of thunder EVER right at 4pm - the start of the viewing.   We RAN outside like little kids, praising God, standing in the rain and listening to the thunder.  Max was playing for us.  And God OVERWHELMED my heart at that moment, and assured me that the THUNDER was MY SIGN from him that Max IS safe in heaven and that God has him!!

I get teary-eyed just thinking about that huge sign of faithfulness, given to a grieving mom in desperate need of assurance that her child is safe, and God gladly sending me something I wouldn't mistake or write off.  Yes, that thunder was mine all mine, it was for me, and I claimed it OUT LOUD to a parking lot full of well-dressed people coming to pay their respects.

And now, when I hear thunder, I not only "hear" Max playing in the heavens, but I hear God saying "I have him safe, rest easy mama"....  I hear thunder off in the distance tonight and it makes my heart smile.

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